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HEATED VINYASA: A vigorous and challenging style of yoga designed to build strength, balance and flexibility. Each class is based upon a Vinyasa flow including inversions, arm balances and core work. The room is heated between 95-98 degrees and up to 70% humidity. Be ready to move, sweat, feel completely drained, and vibrantly alive at the end of class! Good for all levels.

SOULFUL SUNDAYS: Are you a weekend warrior? Need a time to reset, realign and relax before you start your week? In this candlelit class, you will be led through a meditation followed by a slow flow Vinyasa practice and ending with a long savasana to center you for the week ahead. The class will be heated to 85 degrees with no humidity. Come prepared to transform. All levels and experience invited! This is a great class for beginners or those who want a more gentle flow.

FULL MOON SERIES: This candlelit full moon-inspired series intends to awaken the divine, reflective nature of the moon. Connect to the completeness of your inner being. If you can imagine that you, too, are like the moon, perfectly whole in every way, and that the parts that feel empty or non-existent are simply hidden in the shadows, perhaps you will connect to a deep sense of inner peace and love for yourself that you never thought possible. In fact, the yogic teachings all but guarantee it. This is a 1 hour warm flow beginning at 8:00pm on the evening of the full moon. Class registration opens 1 week prior to class.

It is recommended that you pre-register online for classes. Please arrive at least 5 minutes prior to the start of class so you can secure your spot. Late arrivals will not be permitted. If you pre-register and cannot attend, please “early cancel” yourself from the class at least 3-hours prior to the class. If you don’t “early cancel” then you will be deducted for the class. With limited availability, the goal is to prevent students from being denied an opportunity to attend a class in person due to a no-show. Namaste.